Heritage Quest Research Library
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Records: 1 to 5 of 5

Thursday, August 1
Using Family Search Wiki  (Classroom & Zoom)
11:00 am to 12:00 pm
Heritage Quest Research Library (Classroom & Zoom)
Join Joleen Aitchison on August 1, 2024, 11am to 12 noon PDT. Learn about the Wiki links to databases and online resources as well as research training guidance.
Sign up in the HQRL Store.  Members $20, non-members $25.  see flyer.

Thursday, August 15
Friendly Relations - Finding American Quakers and their Online Records  (Classroom & Zoom)
11:00 am to 12:00 pm
Heritage Quest Research Library (Classroom & Zoom)
Join Steven W. Morrison on August 15, 2024, 11am to 12noon PDT. In 1750 the Quaker religion was the third largest in the colonies. So, if you have an English sounding surname, a dead-end pointing to the British Isles or Ireland, and if your kin could have arrived before the American Revolution....you could be looking for a Friend (Quaker).
Signup in the HQRL Store. Members $20, non-members $25   see flyer.

Thursday, September 19
Eastern European Genealogy for Beginners  (Classroom & Zoom)
11:00 am to 12:00 pm
Heritage Quest Research Library (Classroom & Zoom)
Join Alexander Tolksdorf  will provide the beginner the basic background information to start investigating their ancestors across eastern Europe. Class offered on Thursday September 19, 11am to 12noon. Sign up in the HQRL Store. Members $20, non-members $25.  See flyer

Thursday, October 3
DNA Testing and Forensic Genetic Genealogy (FGG) - a free event  (Classroom & Zoom)
11:00 am to 12:00 pm
Heritage Quest Research Library (Classroom & Zoom)
Matthew Collins, a Forensic Scientist for the Washington State Patrol, will cover the basics of forensic DNA testing, what the WSP DNA sectrion does, and an overview of forensic genetic genealogy.
This FREE event is available in person at the Sumner Library (limit 50) and HQRL (in-person limit 20).
A ZOOM link to view from home will be provided by the Sumner Library - sign up through the Pierce County Library system (www.mypcls.org) or call Sumner Library at 253-548-3306.  see flyer

Thursday, November 7
Recreating the Great War: Finding Military Service Info for your WWI Veteran  (Classroom & Zoom)
11:00 am to 12:00 pm
Heritage Quest Research Library (Classroom & Zoom)
Many WWI personnel records were destroyed during a National Archives fire in the 1970's.
Tina Beaird offers ways to locate copies of peripheral federal millitary records and provides solutionsf for recreating some of the lost history in these "fire" records.
Signup in the HQRL Store.  Members $20, non-members $25.  see flyer